LENT Services in St Mary's Church: Commence on Ash Wednesday, February 18, at 7.30pm, with the imposition of ash. At 5.30pm, for every Lent Sunday, there will be a meditative service for prayer and healing in the Bolton Chapel.

BASING House: New this year are various courses including gardening for beginners, willow weaving, buttons and beads and wood engraving. Full details on the website hants.gov.uk/basing-house.

COFFEE Break: Today, at the Methodist Church, 10.30am to noon.

HOME-MADE Cake Sale: At the RBL Hall, this Saturday, from 1pm to 3pm, in aid of the Poppy Appeal.

PLOUGHMAN’S Lunch: Turn up by 12.30pm, in the Parish Room, on February 19, to partake of a three-course lunch. Good value for only £4, with excellent service from cheerful volunteers.

A DOGGY dilemma! Why do so many owners refuse to bag and bin their dog waste? Fouling is still very apparent on the common and various footpaths. Please make the effort to clean up our environment!