AFTERNOON of Music: Is being held this Sunday, at the William Penney Theatre, AWE Rec Soc, starting at 3pm, with Janet Dowsett on her electric organ. Tickets £6.50, are available on the door. For more information, contact Sylvia on 0118 932 3971.

QUIZ Night: Is taking place at the Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, on February 27, starting at 7.30pm, in aid of Tadley CAB. Teams of up to six. Tickets cost £10, which includes a fish and chips supper.

Tickets from Tadley Citizens Advice Bureau on 0118 981 7567. All welcome.

TADLEY Community Centre: There are a couple of trips coming up to the Shard and also a river boat cruise. Contact the centre 0118 981 4538 for more information.

CHEEKY Chimps mother and toddler group: Meets every Monday, from 10am to 11.45pm at the community centre.

LIGHTHOUSE AGM and Get-together Tea and Cake Reunion: Will be taking place on March 22, at Main Road Methodist Church, at 3pm. For more information, call Mark on 0118 9701125. All old and new friends are welcome.