A MIDWIFE Crisis: Last Sunday, after several hours of rehearsals, the Sunday school at the Church of Christ the King, in Sullivan Road, performed their annual nativity play called A Midwife Crisis. All the children did a wonderful job of entertaining the congregation at the All Age Worship service.

CHRISTMAS Services at the Church of Christ the King: There are various other Christmas services taking place this year.

On Sunday, December 21, at 4pm, you can enjoy a carol concert. On Wednesday, December 24, there will be a Christmas Eve Christingle service at 3.30pm, and then a candlelit Holy Communion service, starting at 11.30pm. On Christmas Day, there will be a Family Communion Service at 10am.

FESTIVE Greetings: I wish everyone in Brighton Hill a happy festive season. And remember that you can contact me on cwooldridge59@gmail.com with any local community news or events that you would like promoting in this column in the New Year.