OLD Down Walks: The next walk, organised by the Old Down and Beggarwood Wildlife Group, will be on Saturday, July 19, starting at 2pm, from Old Down Close, off Kempshott Lane. The walk will be a guided wildflower walk around Beggarwood Park. Children and dogs are welcome on the walk.

BUGS and Butterflies: There will also be a bugs and butterflies community event at Old Down on August 23, from 2pm to 4pm. This will include tea and cakes in the hall, a butterfly trail and bug catching and identification.

POLLING station review: The borough council is conducting a review of its polling places. Hatch Warren and Beggarwood currently have two polling stations – the community centre at Hatch Warren and a portable building which is brought in specifically for polling at Beggarwood shops.

If you have any views on these in terms of accessibility or suitability, the council would like to hear from you. The consultation can be accessed on the council website at basingstoke.gov.uk, click on the consultation page.