SKITTLES Evening: St Stephen’s Church is holding a skittles evening today, at 7.30pm at the Rec Soc.

Tickets cost £6 for adults and £3 for children, to include a ploughman’s supper and raffle. Call Les on 0118 9813528.

Money raised will go towards buying flowers for the flower festival at St Stephen’s in July.

PLANT Sale: Heath End Gardening Club will be holding its annual plant sale on Saturday, from 11am-1pm at The Hurst Community College. Please go along and support your local gardening club.

There will be lots of plants, vegetables, bedding and perennials. Also cakes, coffee and tombola.

WOOTTON St Lawrence Parish Council: Meets Monday, in Ramsdell Village Hall, at 7pm. All residents are welcome to attend.

THE Flower Club: Meets at Heath End Village Hall on May 15, at 2pm. Bring along a container, foliage and flowers.

Flower tape and oasis will be on sale and a £2 charge will be made to cover the hire of the hall.

Tea and biscuits are provided. For more details ring Margaret on 0118 9819067.