WI JUMBLE Sale: I hope your spring cleaning has borne fruit and you have some lovely contributions for the WI’s Jumble Sale on Sunday. If not, perhaps you need to attend as a punter.

Contributions from 11am, and doors open at 1pm. Further details from Diane Rampton on 467533.

MESSY Church: Also on Sunday, Messy Church takes place at the village hall from 4.30pm-6pm. Further details from cliddesdenmessychurch@ gmail.com.

YOUR village hall needs you! In this year’s Have Your Say awards, we are applying for a grant to refurbish the hall’s kitchen. Less glamorous than last year’s successful Raise The Stage campaign, but no less worthy of support. If you can spare some time, come along to the Civic Offices on Wednesday, between 3pm and 7pm.

COMING up soon: The Baker Boys Jazz and Swing Cabaret, Saturday, March 29, at the village hall from 7.30pm. Further details from Angie on 475848.

3CG’s Social Evening and AGM: Takes place on Tuesday, April 1, from 7.15pm, when Ashley Smith, from the Hawk Conservancy, will be in residence with his amazing anecdotes.