WOMEN’S World Day of Prayer: Today, is the national day of prayer. Whilst written by women in Egypt, the service is suitable for men and women both young and old.

It will be held at 10.30am at the Methodist Chapel by the Pond.

OAKLEY and Deane WI: Next Tuesday, the WI have their monthly meeting at Andover Road Village Hall at 7.30pm. They have a varied programme of activities and new members are welcome.

OAKLEY Ladies: Meet on alternate Tuesdays during term time and will be meeting this coming Tuesday at 7.30pm.

The venues vary, so for more details, check out The Link or ocaoakley.org.uk.

JUMBLE sale time: Every Saturday in March, there is a jumble sale at 2pm at East Oakley Village Hall. This Saturday is the turn of Oakley Afternoon WI. Donations of jumble to the hall in the morning would be gratefully received.