SPRING fever? Spruce up your wardrobe with great choices in nearly new clothing and accessories at the RBL Ladies spring sale this Saturday. Admission 50p, at the RBL Hall, in Crown Lane, from 11am-1pm. Good quality donations welcomed from 9.30am, but no jumble thank you.

WEATHERWISE: It’s been somewhat drier, but the closures due to flooding in Milkingpen Lane have caused knock-on traffic problems, mostly due to impatient drivers along The Street. With few pavements and many residents having to park their own vehicles on the roadway, those drivers speeding aggressively along really ought to have more consideration for others.

NEW Card Craft Group: Starting from February 13 and then every alternate Thursday, from 9.30am-noon at Chineham Library. Joan and Angela (359363) can offer help with spirelli, quilling, decoupage and iris-folding among others. Cost £1.

DON’T forget: The flower arrangers coffee morning in the Parish Room from 10am-11.30am this Saturday.

NEWS wanted. Email me your news or views to springfield93@btinternet.com.