HEATH End WI: Are holding their Christmas party on Monday, at Heath End Village Hall at 7.30pm.

TUESDAY Club: Meets on December 17, from 2pm to 4pm at Heath End Village Hall, for a friendly get-together with tea and home-made cakes.

All are welcome and transport can be arranged, ring Roz on 0118 9815246 or Margaret on 0118 9819067.

FLOWER Club: Meets at Heath End Village Hall on Thursday, December 19, at 2pm. Do go along to the meeting, it is very informal. There is usually a demonstration, after which you will have hands-on experience. Bring along a container, foliage and flowers.

Flower tape and oasis will be on sale and a £2 charge will be made to cover the hire of the hall. Tea and biscuits are provided. For more details, ring Margaret on 0118 9819067.

CAROL service: St Stephen’s Church will be holding a carol service on Sunday, December 22, at 11am. On December 24, there will be a crib service at 3pm and midnight Eucharist at 11.30pm.